The floor is lava!!

We had this friend over to play today - they spent much of their time walking on cushions or scooters so as to avoid walking on 'lava', ha!
I met up with a friend this morning, and, joy, bumped into a homeless man we've been looking for! Not sure if I said the other day, but his parents feared him dead, so it was brilliant to see him and pass on a message that he has a flight back to his country if he wants to get on it. Danny met him later in the day to give him some fresh clothes. 
We sent off our first batch of earrings to various people - exciting! Asha's just been so delighted by the support! One of our lovely friends has paid to have her logo put onto 100 stickers!
Caña Club tonight which was lovely. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny sending all the earrings - it's a family effort!
2) Charlie coming to play ad hang out with us.
3) Our Caña Club family/community.

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