Cuteness overload

After a morning of jobs I decided a change of scenery was required. Not wanting to go too far given the changeable weather we parked in a very popular Thornton Dale. Many people had stopped and were queuing for ice creams. The socially distanced queue was wending it’s way along the high street. 

We followed Ellerburn beck out of the village towards the hamlet of Ellerburn. After a mini rush hour of about a dozen walkers and dogs we walked on to the trout ponds without anymore encounters. Spotted this little duckling heading back to the security of Mum. Further along as we climbed out of the valley another encounter with what I later found was probably a Partridge chick. Mum was trying to distract attention from her brood (see extras).

Whilst breezy with the odd light shower thrown in it was well worth getting out and about.

Well done to Scotland - day three of no Covid cases. I think their approach has been much better than south of the border!

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