There and back again

By Mikes

Bennett's Cross

There are granite crosses erected all across Dartmoor, many of the them marking the routes of old tracks, in place before the present roads were built

There are many versions as to how and why this old cross got its name. William Crossing, the author of "Crossings Guide" the Dartmoor walkers bible said that it was referred to as being here in a document dated 1702. Because of its crude carving, it is thought to be very old and recently it has been said that it could have been a per-christian standing stone which was later converted to a cross.

However most agree that it marks one of the ancient packhorse tracks across the moor and it has been here since "tyme out of mind". It was used as a Parish boundary stone, a boundary stone to Birch Tor Mine and Headland Warren

Just in case you are inclined to think it would would nice in your garden it has been mico chipped because it is situated close to a road

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