Wear it like an iron skin
My dad was grey probably from my first memories of him.
He did have black curly hair - but when it turned grey he combed his curls flat and went all Perry Como.
I got my first greys in my twenties - early twenties - I’d rinse toners through cover them up; my hairdresser once spent 2 hours colouring in my grey with a crayon - not a difference to the colour but heavens the condition was great.
It went from a dark reddish brown; to mahogany, to red, to purple to pink and then settled on a rather vile black.
Around 2017 I went with highlights to improve the blackness; blonder and blonder and then a couple of years of golden blonde with some dark highlight. Then peroxide.
Now after a year of appointments which I had to cancel and appointments where I couldn’t be arsed sitting for three hours
And said ‘just cut it instead’ I’m au natural.
I’m grey. Silver. Grey for sure.
I’ve finally got an appointment on 15th
August. 1730 hours. The question is..... do I stay grey, or do I Swerve to the blonde again? I was thinking more golden blond than platinum
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