Disney Princess

It seems to me that a number of the Disney female characters are beloved by animals: Snow White, Cinderella. This morning my birdseed attracted the squirrels. One of them went into my hanging tomato garden. When s/he began to dig I opened the door to the deck and told her to knock it off. So she looked at me and then moved to another box! While I ate my breakfast on the deck one of them came back and really came quite near and did not seem to care that I took pictures. She got within seven feet of Samuel who was looking out into the distance. Samuel turned his look, looked at the squirrel, gave it a little thought, and then made a perfunctory scramble toward the squirrel just on the principle of the thing. 

My state looks like it is on the right side/the good side of the bell curve. 

I had deep philosophical thoughts about humanity and self-control and acceptance this morning. Look out, I might start a religion. 

The extra is from one of my neighbors’ front stairs. They will decorate this zombie figure up in different ways during the year. 

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