This is why I can’t grow grass!
My next door neighbor adopted a dog who has some PTSD. We think the exercise of doggie daycare helped him but he hasn’t been able to go for a while. Now when he hears a scary sound while on a walk he freezes and flops down. She’s let me come distract and entertain him. I dance, I whistle, I act silly, he is distracted, he is happy, we get him to walk home. It is wonderful to have someone who shows such enthusiastic positive regard for you.
I went for a walk in the woods, without Prince Samuel. It was divine, but it was also fantastic to have him so overjoyed when I came home.
I’m going to try harder to keep from being so cranky angry, not because it isn’t warranted, but because it doesn’t make anything better.
Or maybe I’ll just stuff the feelings into a tiny little ball down at the pit of my stomach. Just as long as they aren’t on the surface, right?
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