Our precious Merry

She's beginning to adjust to her cone, but she is really like a baby. It's easier to feed her from a spoon or our hand. She does drinks from the faucet by herself but loves sipping from a large glass held at just the right angle by us. We check the little box and rejoice in her regularity, just like a baby.

The photo makes me laugh, the two black velcro stripes on the cone look like horns or some kind of communication antennae. She's managing to find comfy sleeping positions on a down duvet on the loveseat. She did watch chipmunks and birds through the glass storm door and has tried to catch a flying bug. We're almost 4 days in, the biopsy results will take a while, hopefully it will give us a clue to what is making her itch...pollen, an allergy to something environmental, dust mites, or...

I've been feeling anxious , the pandemic, the cat, and to be brutally honest, I'm not over Raspberry's death and the anniversary is coming up on the 25th. It still feels like I'm missing part of myself which seems silly to say, but she was really a soul cat.  That does not mean that Merry, our beloved, "Chibbie" is wonting in any way, she is precious and perfect, just look at that face.

I've been puttering around all day in and out. No luck trapping the dreaded groundhog, but he has spared us a lot of damage recently. I didn't sleep well last night, so I hope tonight is better. Having a Guinness now and relaxing watching all our beautiful birds.

For the record,
This day came in a bit cooler with lower humidity and a cloudy sky. The rest  of the week looks HOT

All hands wary

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