Medieval sunny greetings

Today our journey went on. In the morning a good breakfast in our hotel (served as ready portions on plates). And we left to archipelago by car. Medieval sightseeing from old Kuusisto castle ruins (in the blip), good food, geocaches finding, visiting here and there, few ferry journeys and nice company - just two of us.

Some more shots here!

A hot day. It has not been this warm Midsummer time in Finland for a long time. Last this warm Midsummer was 1999. Today sunshine felf hot, +27c, but we still went to sauna as we got back to our hotel in the evening. 

Some problems to find one open restaurant from Turku city centre, as there still is plenty on closed restaurants in there. Yesterday we ate in the restaurant of our own hotel, but it was quite expensive and not that good - it was also a slow one, and the waiters forgot almost everything, that they can... It is still Corona time and due the Midsummer fest there was only some small restaurants open. Finally after an hour walk, we found one hotel having open restaurant. On our way back to hotel, we took scooter boards. 

Nice day! 


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