... one giant leap for baby goose

Friday 19th June 2020

Forecast was for solid rain all day from 10am. I was up early for my day off so went out just after 9am to Orrell Water Park, with the camera. I didn't get much of a walk as I discovered a family of geese and it was bath time. - extras. When the other 5 siblings followed mum out on to the bank this little one struggled to get out. It had a few attempts but made it eventually - extra. I'd only been there half an hour and the rain came down.

I then braved the supermarket. There was no queue outside so thought I was lucky, but it was heaving inside and most people seemed to be ignoring the one way system and social distancing. The queues for each till were very long and extended all the way down the first aisles, making it difficult for anyone to shop in those aisles. It took 40 minutes from joining the queue for the checkout to getting out of the shop! Still, I won't need to go for another month.

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