Personal Mermaid

Asha's class and teachers had a goodbye Zoom at lunchtime - feel so sad to think that's that! We heard yesterday that ALL the teachers in Primary are being moved this year, all of them!!  Can't work out why...
Late afternoon we headed to the beach for a couple of hours - we think Asha might be a secret mermaid. 
Been sorting through clothes we've been given for our homeless friends, squirrelling pieces away for certain friends who we think will especially like certain things. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha's school. The 'worst' on the island, but oh so good in so many ways!
2) Nate growing in confidence in the water, largely thanks to Danny. Suddenly realised in September he'll start lessons at school. Their method at the pool is just to drop them in the deep end, literally!! Was a shock for Asha and me the first time that happened!!! Hoping to give Nate an extra head start.
3) Some interesting conversation around an article clipper Honeycombebeach sent me, the title is essentially, 'why is it ok to be racist about gypsies?' It's begun great conversation with various friends. Thanks HCB!

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