Three months working remote - and going on...

After rather short sleep (because we went to the lake for night swimming at midnight. It was so tranquill and lovely to swim - despite of some lunatics having a huge dog and illegal fire on the beach. So it took a while as I called for police. There was forest too near of the fire, and it is not allowed to burn anything on city area - and we have just now forest fire warning here. If the lunatics would not have the ugly and big dog with them, I would have spoken to them in the name of universal motherhood, but now I decided that the authorities could do that....)

+20c in the morning as we woke up, me and hubby. A morning coffee in the garden. After he had left to the office (!!!) for work, I changed my office outdoors. Enjoyed a lot as sun was shining and I had fresh place to work under terrace roof. I am not yet able to go back to the office, but I won't mind. Working home is ok as long a I have internet connection. Today my department has been working remote already full 3 months. 

Today the Government of Finland has decided to propose that the state of emengency could be ended. That does not mean that the Corona virus restrictions would end, but apparently at the moment actual martial law is not arguable to use anymore. (Some statistics of finnish institute for health and welfare is here, if you like to read. The english translation is not always too updated though) What is to come, remains to be seen... Physical distance restrictions should still be maintained in everyday life.

Warm evening +26c. Supposed that I just have to go bicycling to enjoy the weather, and later swimming in the lake and bath in hot sauna (changed in the Blip) ...

Happy time, as my arthritis is always quite painless by heat. If only it would be this warm more often!!!


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