Life goes on

We went for a walk around Thursley Common today to see what the damage was like, following the recent wildfire. It was, as you might expect, very black and there was a strong smell of burnt ash that really stuck in your throat. Very sad to see but also good to see that there are already green shoots appearing in amongst it all. There were also a few dragonflies and damselflies exploring the burnt habitat. There's a shot of what remains of the boardwalk in Extras, if of interest.

We went along to Colin the cuckoo's field, which thankfully was in an unaffected area, and had missed him by half an hour. We hung around for a while but decided not to wait any longer as we didn't want to leave Polly alone for too long. However, one of the other three photographers there gave us a tub of mealworms to take back with us when we go again next week. I can assure you they won't be kept in the fridge.

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