What a horrible day. Very wet and very cold. In fact we've just had to put the heating on. We've definitely been spoilt with the lovely weather over the last few weeks.

Wednesday is my day when I stay 'home alone' for an hour or so in the morning while Ann goes off to do Mrs R's shop. This afternoon we had planned to go down to Cramond for a social distancing walk with one of Ann's friends. Unfortunately the rain put a stop to that plan.

Instead I went to Bruntsfield Links to play with my ball. Ann stood (sheltering from the rain) under a big tree and threw the ball for me. The good thing about playing ball is that it tires me out. Ann's words, not mine! When I'm tired I lie down under a seat, or in the bushes, or just a little distance away from Ann and have a little rest, instead of bringing the ball straight back to her. When I've done that three times the game is over and we have to go home.

….............And that's been our day. Nothing else to say.

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