A day out in Fife

Today the sun was shining and the sky was blue so Ann said, 'Trixie, lets have a day out. We will go to St Andrews and then we will have a mooch around some of the other pretty little villages in Fife.' So that is what we did.

First we went to St Andrews. Ann doesn't think she's been there since she was about 12 which is a very, very, long time ago. She made me walk around the town on my lead first. That wasn't really much fun for a puppy collie, but Ann thought it was a very nice town. Then I got to play on the beach. Yay! I met a 3 month old collie/lab cross puppy and we had great fun zooming around. In fact after half an hour of playtime I was really pleased when Ann said she was going to have some fish and chips at the Harbour Cafe because I was ready for a lie down.

Next we went to Crail and wandered down to the harbour which was very pretty. After that we went to Anstruther and I had to pose next to another harbour. And then we went to Elie so that I could have a play on another beach.

On the way home we popped in to see Ann's friend Iain at Aberdour. Iain hasn't seen me since I was a little puppy so he thought I'd grown loads. Sat in the sunshine in Iain's garden for an hour or so. I was hoping that Mynx, his cat, would put in an appearance, but Mynx had disappeared off somewhere as soon as she knew I was there. Booohoooo.

We didn't get home till about 6.45pm and by then I was very tired and very hungry so I've gobbled up my dinner and am now fast asleep. I'm dictating my Blip telepathically!!!

Monday is 'puppy training class' night but Ann is very tired and very hungry too ….......so we're not going. Well the puppy training teacher always says that it's what you do out-with the class that is important. …...........And I do loads of training out-with the class. And to be honest Ann finds puppy class really stressful because I'm the naughtiest puppy there and I never do what I'm told. In fact Ann is not sure if she's going to take me back again because all I do is disobey her and jump on top of all the other puppies. I just want to play all the time and I don't seem to have grasped the fact that I go to puppy class to learn.

Oh well, ho hum, I've had a lovely day out, but weather app is showing rain for the rest of the week. Booohoooooo!!!

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