Get Cumbria Buzzing

We have a project being run called Get Cumbria Buzzing. It's all about creating an environment for pollinators. Much of our food requires the pollination by insects for its production. Today we watched an online talk by CWT about this work and their database of species.

I thought it might be appropriate to find a pollinator for today's blip. This one is probably a tree bumblebee, Bombus hypnorum.

We've watched a couple of these online talks, what spoils them is the public who join them don't mute themselves. We've had scenarios like this: Ring, ring. Ring,ring. "I'll give you a ring back, I;m trying to listen to a talk on the internet." Another person sounded as if they were washing the dishes. This time people kept interrupting saying "I can't see the pictures!" because they hadn't got their page set up properly before the talk began.

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