A Bobby Dazzler

This bobby dazzler of a small tortoiseshell butterfly visited the garden this afternoon a couple of times. It's on a Hebe which is in full flower next to the lavender and both are attracting so many bees today, no doubt tempted out by the glorious sun and warmer weather. I did some gardening this morning, hoeing the borders after the rain, you wouldn't believe it was the same soil as last week!

Day 86 / Day 78 of Lockdown / Day 9 of Step 2 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 286 to 40,883 as confirmed tested positive.  Up to 29th May, deaths with Covid on the certificate were 50,107 and excess deaths over the pandemic were 63,708. Not all primary school pupils will now return to school before Sept due to the practical problems in social distancing. The furlough scheme has 9M on it at a cost of £19.6bn, with 2.6M self employed claims costing £7.5bn. Confirmed that most retailers can open Mon 15th June providing they’re Covid-secure. That leaves the riskiest businesses like pubs, cafes, hairdressers and hotels still to open.

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