Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan


I was very impressed with Amelie's drawing today. Typically, we put her easel away as she wasn't using it very much and we needed to make room post-Christmas. It didn't go far though, and sits here beside the cupboard where she can easily access it but it isn't set up properly. She found her chalks and decided she wanted to do some drawing. She drew the rainbow and ran through to tell us. She then drew the sun and ran through to tell us. We suggested adding rain as you need sun and rain for a rainbow and so she added rain. And her own touch? The 'river'.

In this photo you can see the rainbow, the rain (vertical yellow lines) and the river (squiggly green line at the top). Unfortunately you can't see the sun for Amelie's head. It was orange and was a circle with lines all the way round. (There are also some heart stickers that have been on there for ages!)

The reason I was so impressed was not because she was capable of this. but because she did it without direction. She is pretty good at drawing people/faces, but she needs a little bit of prompting now and again and usually when she goes away with pen and paper its to do 'writing' or scribbling. She has come home with a few drawings from nursery which she says were 'Daddy' or 'Mummy and Daddy' which have just been scribbles although whenever she sits with us at home she is capable of more. Obviously she has too much to be getting on with at nursery to be sitting concentrating on what goes onto a face...

We were also impressed today at her rhyming. After hearing her sing a made up, nonsense but rhyming song, I asked her for words that rhymed with cat and she gave me bat, hat, mat and fat.

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