From the top

I spent the morning cleaning, so was quite ready later to indulge in the time needed to finish the current jigsaw. It has been a bit of a challenge, but most enjoyable. It was as the completed picture emerged that I remembered when we went to Rome years ago, I found the album and there it was - the same picture. 

In September 2000 our younger daughter and her now husband left their local paper reporter jobs and set off travelling round Europe. They went all over the place, sightseeing and working and trying to visit as many countries as they could. ( Such a shame that our grandchildren, along with all the other young people, will not be able to do the same now with Brexit!) 

During the summer they spent time in Rome, working on a camp site. I think they made pizzas and served coffee. They suggested that we went to see them and as it was somewhere I had always wanted to go, we went. We had a wonderful few days in the sunshine. They were both suntanned and speaking Italian fluently and they took us everywhere. I remember now that we arrived at St Peter's Basilica and the three of them immediately set off to climb the Dome. No way was I going up those steps and I stayed down below in the shade. Gordon must have taken this view from the top . . . and there it is on my jigsaw. 

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