
.....tulips, because the day hasn’t been very cheerful. Lots of rain which I know we need but it can dampen the spirits as well as the garden...two of my sisters have shared feeling low today. No reason, just have been. I’ve put my We4 card next to the tulips.

Ian began a new series this morning, Lockdown Lessons. Today was Time. Some interesting facts, there are 189 hours in a week and possibly 140 waking hours. Right now when routine has gone out of the window, there are spaces to fill, too much time or loving having more time. He read from Ecclesiastes 3 1-14, a very well known bible passage and worth a read. Our emotions are being challenged and our minds are needing to be organised.

One verse speaks of a time to embrace and a time to refrain (from embracing.) Social distancing is taking its toll! S told me yesterday she wanted to give me a hug and have one of mine.

Today’s news is terrible...anger, .riots, protests, injuries, hurting hearts..,

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