Down to earth with a bump

Today was back to reality. Being in work today made me realise exactly how much the last 4 days meant to me and how much I was very much in a little bubble of 'family' - separated from the day to day existance at work. For a lot of today I have felt a little 'out of body' - like I have been watching myself going about the different jobs I had to do, but my heart not really being in it, even though I have worked bloody hard. Its strange to say it, but despite the fact that our trip was for a funeral and therefore was not the best reason in the world to go away, it was a really valuable time for us as a family - and it gave me time to step back and forget about work and focus on me, James and having some quality time. I think I was almost a little resentful of going back in to work. That probably sounds dreadful, and I am maybe not explaining myself well...but thats possibly because I didn't get in from work till just after 7pm, and I spent another two and a half hours since doing some statistical analysis.

Anyway, the link to the first lot of photos that have been uploaded is here. I probably won't get around to the rest until the weekend.

Tonight's blip is one of the 'hood' ornaments off one of my Uncle Jim's cars. I think it is the Hawk off his old Humber.

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