Camera Shy

By Wildstar

Wall Brown?

April showers in June - nothing significant in terms of volume, not nearly enough for allotment.  Here in the dry, warm South East it's London clay and with no rainfall for whole of May and most of April it is like concrete. I have plants queuing up to go in - courgettes, squash, brassicas, leeks and cannot even dig a small hole to fill with compost it is so hard.
Excitement at Aldi,  after a moderate queue to get in, had just filled trolley and plunged in to darkness with a power cut - not just the store.  The staff were extremely efficient, some emergency lighting came on and they quickly established that power would be off for approx 2 hours.  Our trolleys were labelled and placed in cold store so that we could call back when all up and running.  We very rarely get power cuts here but they seemed well rehearsed with procedure to manage such an event.  Well done them.
Called round to a friend to while away my time and found her attempting a passport photo with her iPhone.  I had my camera ready with me and took photos for her.
Butterfly was on the ivy hedge in her garden.  It refused to open wings for me but looking it up when I got home think it may be a Wall or Wall Brown.  Can anyone confirm please?  Extra was as close as it came to open wings but lovely all the same.

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