My redcurrants are under lockdown,
well netted, which hopefully will protect them from any inquisitive avians passing through my fruit bed. The pigeons & pheasants have been eyeing them up, well I've got news for them. Mind, I'm quite partial to a fruity sauce/gravy/jus accompanying my game dishes. I inherited the redcurrant with the plot, plus a few wayward gooseberry & blackcurrant bushes. They are all bearing fruit so that is a bonus, what I must do is check out when & how to prune. I'm not that au fait when it comes to fruit growing, lots to learn.
After yesterday mornings bad start I decided to do some laundry etc. before going up to the plot ... I'd sorted the clothes found in the Ikea bag into coloured & whites. There were lots of whites, dresses, tops, a cardie. Next, Top Shop, Primark, among the labels. I decided to launder the whites this morning, I'll do the coloured, maybe not tomorrow though as the forecast is rain. Yipee!!! Once they are all laundered I can keep them in the house. They are good quality, someone, somewhere would be very happy to receive them. (I was wearing gloves when I sorted them Carol as I was up on the plot). Another load of washing done and on the line. Time to head for the allotment. I only watered tomatoes, squash, beetroot, carrots, & spring onions. All done. I had a quick chat with Jim, then back home. The shortest time I'd spent on the plot in a while.
Back home I planted up another hanging basket, tuberous begonia, a red Salvia grown from cuttings, filling in with yellow flowered plugs, no idea of their name, that needed potting on, so they went in as well. I had to make room in the green house for my onions as there is much needed rain forecast for tonight/tomorrow. Did some ironing, showered then off to Torquay to see Nicky for a SD'ed mooch around her garden before inspecting the new Summer room, talking plants, interior design etc. over a coffee. I took Nicky a bag of broad bean tips to have with her dinner tonight, & came away with a very pretty flowered species Geranium cutting, & Parahebe. It's so nice to share a love of something with someone like minded.
Back home, time to make dinner Roast duck tonight. Duck in the oven, time to move the onions into the greenhouse. I hope we get a good few hours rainfall. The garden is in desperate need of a soaking, after which I can fill some gaps with plants I've grown from seed & cuttings.
Thanks to trisharooni or hosting Tiny Tuesday, & the subject - fruit
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