
By DancingAly

Getting Prepped

Had a good cry last night, stayed up too late, got no sleep and got up too early... my eyes were puffy and my eye sockets hurt, BUT I did feel a lot better today. Perhaps crying does offer something after all...

I spent the morning at school, thankfully no children are expected until Wednesday which gave us more time to prepare. Luckily I'm staying in reception next year, but my colleagues have swapped, which I was surprised about but happy enough. 

I came home, had a nice bath and washed my hair, and then settled down with a snack, having had nothing all day. I ended up having a good Whatsapp chat with a friend, who made me feel heaps better. Sometimes I think people have a sixth sense to know when you need a boost. And it really did help. 

Lucy popped over in the evening on her way round the block. They stood on the lawn, and I talked to her from a window upstairs. She said "Alex, you need to come down!" so I dutifully scuttled downstairs to join the rest of them in the porch. We'd had a FaceTime chat earlier and I'd joined in while she played with her Barbies. 

My new sneakers arrived this evening and I'm pleased. I'm going to make sure I wear them rather than keep them for 'best'! 

I'm looking forward to a full day at home tomorrow before it's all go. I've got a piece of work to finish for interview number two, but I'm worrying about the one I really want, number one. 

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