
after 12 long weeks we drove to Congleton to see middle son, DiL, Olivia and Isabella...... sadly not going to see the big girls for a little while yet.

We went to bed last night quite early for us, before 11.30! We were both tired and slept pretty well, not waking until just before 8 ..... another sunny morning greeted us!

Breakfast indoors, to save hub from all that pollen floating around :-/ After yesterdays lengthy walk he wasn't up for another, so I took myself off down town to collect his paper and a loaf....pretty quiet no queues.No sooner there than on my way back, so I decided to walk a different route home, one we had done many years ago...or so I thought! Got a little lost n a path in a field, but not for long, eventually realised where I was.....much further past home than I thought lol! Anyhow got my 10k steps in just over an hour ;-)

Once back we had an early lunch, dippy eggs and brown toast, then packed the cold box with bbq related goodies, a couple of extra chairs, a few beers, a plant and headed to Chehsire for our long awaited visit.

The girls were really happy to see us, as we were all of them. They have a new swimming pool in their garden, which they love.....its like being on permanent holiday with this great weather......although they are back in school tomorrow, having done a half day today.

We had a lovley afternoon and early evening, including a bbq of course.......todays blip just had to be a collage of the girls happy smiling faces :-)

Back home by 9, some watering needed, then a cuppa and Long Lost Family Special..... unbelievable!

Last sunny warm day tomorrow apparently.... well for a few days, but we do need some rain, the lawns are getting,more yellow by the day now!

Stay safe everyone x

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