Sunday stroll.........Space X

well, no of course not really, just a view of Winter Hill in the distance, whilst out walking earlier this morning :-)

We were awake early.....the sun was streaming into the bedroom, so we got up......hub has been suffering badly with hayfever, which kicked in as soon as he woke up :-/

Outisde for breakfast......another beautiful morning. We decided to go out for a decent walk before it got too hot. Over 15k steps today.....hubs knees stood up pretty well.

Back just before lunch......I nipped to Tesco for hubs paper, then we sat outside reading and eating lunch.

Sun cream on, changed into something cooller, we spent the rest of the afternoon in the garden just doing this and that, not a lot really, too hot for anything too physical. We both saught the shade at one time or another!

As it began to cool off, we had a couple of glasses of wine.......pre dinner, which was pork steak, roast potatoes and roasted vegetables.

Now just chilling........watching Killing Eve, still not too sure about this series :-/

Have decided to get a new lens for my birthday.....a 300mm zoom Im thinking :-)

Stay alert and safe folks x

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