10 weeks in lock down.

OMG! A year ago, when I was 6 months old, and the most traumatic thing in my humans life was how to toilet train me.......................... who could ever have imagined what life one year on would be like? On a positive note................. that's the good thing about BLIP. We can look back on what we were doing a year ago. Toilet training me in a 4th floor flat was an absolute nightmare. My human used to traipse me up and down the stairs every couple of hours but I just didn't seem to realise that I had to have a wee every time I went outside. ….........Fast forward to 12 months later and I haven't wee'd in the flat for months. I'm 18 months old now and I'm a almost perfect pooch.

Anyway today we thought we'd talk about my human. …...............Ann likes to have little projects/challenges to work on.

In January she came off FaceBook for a month. That was a bit hard cos she's naturally nosey. Lol. But she managed it???

In February she went on a diet & exercise regime to lose half a stone. That wasn't a great success. Lol! Her very clever sister who has a degree in 'human nutrition' (whatever that may be) tried really hard to help her. But that didn't work. My human is obviously destined to be a fat slob??!!

In March her aim was to print off photos of 'MollyCollie', her very first dog that she loved more than anyone will ever know, (and who she lost on 13th January 2019), frame the photos and put them up on her bedroom walls.

In April she did an 'art challenge' and drew something everyday for a month.

And May...................... In May she went a bit overboard......................... Well you have to don't you? By May all these FB posts were popping up from her friends about how they were giving up alcohol and leading a virtuous life. By May everyone was rolling around on their living room floor doing on line Pilates and yoga. And everyone had cleaned out their kitchen cupboards and wardrobes and drawers and had bagged up stuff for the local Oxfam shop.

Not so my human. By May she'd spent a lot of time watching daytime TV and reading trashy magazines. Oh and wine o'clock had changed from 6pm to 4pm. Lol!!! In April my human certainly wasn't viewing lock down as a positive thing.

BUT looking back............................... my human has actually achieved quite a lot in the month of May.

She has walked on the whole 18 of Edinburgh Golf Courses. (With me obv). She has completed an online 'Blogging Business Diploma' Course The blurb said it was 150 hours of work, so she thought that could be her project for the next 3 months, but she's completed it in one month and she certainly hasn't been doing it full time. Don't think one has to be the brightest cookie in the box to complete one of these online courses?? It was 9 modules long (but only 5 have been marked). The lowest score she's had so far is 80%. The rest have all been over 90%. #Howcleverismyhuman Oh and yes, she has 'RANTED' on her blog every day in May. And yes, it is out there in cyber space for everyone to see. She's just not sure if she wants to share it with the whole world yet. If you're clever enough to guess the title we're sure you could find it though? Lol!

So in June my human is going to make a 'Coronavirus Snake'. Every day she's going to paint a stone.

Anyway, that's enough about my human.................. It was far too hot on our balcony this morning so we both had to come in. I went into my bed and Ann watched three episodes of the 'Prime of Miss Jean Brodie'. Yep, we're back to watching TV all day.

This afternoon Ann thought she would take the car for a run along the bypass because for the last two months it's hardly been out of third gear. We went to Musselburgh. 6 miles via the direct route but 30 mins to get there. …..........Or 11 miles on the bypass which took 20 mins.

Oh dear?! We definitely broke the rules, because here in Scotland we can only travel 5 miles. And unfortunately everyone else seems to have broken the rules so now the news is full of 'Nicola Sturgeon' saying that if people don't abide by the rules then she will make the '5 mile rule' law. Actually we agree with that. Is it really essential that we took the car out for a run? No it's not! And Ann actually feels quite guilty because she did it.

Oh and this is a Blip of me watching the baby ducklings going down to the river for a bit of a splish, splash, splosh.

I guess my human better stop ranting now. She loves Monday nights. She's got Corrie & Eastenders to watch tonight. Yay!!!


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