Today has been almost 'normal'. I only had a little walk around the block first thing because after a leisurely breakfast (on the balcony in the sunshine) we went to Brunstsfield Links so that I could meet my little friend, Archie the Schnauzer. I took my ball & thrower because I haven't played with that for at least a couple of months.

When Archie arrived I thought he might want to join in and play with me. But he didn't. Archie just likes doing his own thing. I played for a while but it was very hot so eventually I just flopped down underneath the picnic table in good dog mode. And then the humans made Archie come underneath the table with me so that we could pose for our Blip. It was very, very, nice seeing Archie & his owners in real life this morning.  It's all very well for the humans chit chatting on video calls but it's definitely not the same as actually talking to people in real life.

Came home and I was just settling down for a really long snooze when Ann said, 'Trixie, you've not been in the car since the 15th March. The 15th March? That was when we returned home from Ann's 61st birthday weekend in the North Yorkshire Dales with her sisters. It was also the last time that Ann filled up the car with petrol diesel. Well she's only been driving to Aldi once a week to do Mrs Rs shop so it still isn't even at the half way mark. .....................Very annoying considering that fuel is mega cheap at the moment.

Anyway, now that here in Scotland, we are allowed to travel up to 5 miles for 'leisure' purposes, Ann thought that she'd just check that I hadn't forgotten how to travel in the car. Of course I hadn't. I immediately just jumped into the car and sat sensibly until we got to Ann's friend, Kay's house, which according to Google maps is 3.9 miles away. Well within the 5 mile limit. Phew!!!!

Went for a social distancing walk with Kay around Inverleith Park which was very busy with people having picnics and sunbathing and then it was back to Kay's garden for a bit of off lead play for me and a social distancing sit down and glass of orange squash for the humans. No champagne or smoked salmon today. Lol!

As I say............................. It's almost been like a normal day.


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