
By ayearinthelife


Today is a day of firsts. First of June, first day of meteorological summer and first day of my seventh decade. It’s also the first day of being officially retired though, truth be told, I’ve not really worked for the past couple of years (some might say ever!) and this is just making it official as, I think even if I wanted to work, the type of work I did (face to face technical training in a retail / hospitality environment) would not be possible for a good while yet. This is also the first proper post of what I intend to be a chronicle of the next 365 days. Hopefully the world will look very different on 1st June 2021. One little quirk I should mention at the outset - I did a blog for a calendar year in 2014 and amused myself by choosing a daily title that is also a song title. I intend to carry on with this “tradition” mainly because it gives me an excuse to dig out CDs I’ve not listened to for a while. I could have referenced Happy Birthday by Stevie Wonder (or Altered Images) today but chose a great track from the Beatles “White” album instead. And that was going to be my photo until I realised a plain white square is not the most interesting thing in the world, so I added the card. It’s also the first day of new lockdown rules and I suppose I could have invited five friends to join me for a party in the garden. But I’m enjoying the peace and solitude and the party can wait until everyone can be together (and I’ve come to terms with being in my sixties!) Stay safe everyone.

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