Wee legs BIG jump

Tonight is Beavers night. It was the AGM for all the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers so all us grown-ups were there to listen to the meeting and then to watch the kids while they play. I got roped in to play a ball game when Johnny got put out......nice one son!! lol

The kids then had a competition to see how far they could jump. Johnny was one of the last beavers in with the bigger boys/girls and he did jump a bigger distance than I thought possible but the length of legs finally made sure that he was out!

Johnny does enjoy Beavers but we may have an issue when it is time to move up to Cubs as he currently trains on a Tuesday and that's when Cubs are on!! I have a feeling the footie might win!

We also had Sophie for a play and pizza today. Katie was well excited this morning. As she came out at bell time she waited at the top of the ramp for Sophie to come out!!

Footie training for Johnny tomorrow and swimming for Katie. I think Megan may be a little too poorly to go swimming but we will see in the morning.

Daddy at work tomorrow but hopefully not on Sunday.

See ya all laters


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