Scots Verse Assembly

Megan was sent home from school yesterday. She had a sore head at school. A drop of medicine and she felt a bit better by last night, however during the night she was like a "hot potato". I kept her off school today. She was very disappointed when I told her she wouldn't be able to recite her poem as she wasn't has school. I sent an e-mail to the school letting them know in case they wanted anyone else to fill in for Megan. The head teacher e-mailed me back and said that if Megan felt better in the day she could come down, perform and then leave early. Megan was delighted.

So off Megan, Granny and I trotted at 6pm, down to the school. All of the kids we saw perform were very good, right down to the wee ones in P1 but of course, my Megan was the best!!! No bias there eh??? lol

Each class had 3 winners, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Megan was 3rd in her class, Sophie Kerr was 2nd and Rachel Kirkwood was 1st. Well done to all of the kids on their performances.

We left sharp at the end of the performances for 3rd place and Megan looked drained by that point! I hope she sleeps better tonight and feels and looks better tomorrow.

Friday tomorrow........YES!!



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