Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael


I finished my weeding quota by 9.30 am, and retreated into the potting shed. Meanwhile TM painted shading onto the greenhouse glass, the cucumber plants were shrivelling before our eyes..

The afternoon was so hot that we found jobs to do indoors. One involved going into the loft - bad idea, it was like a sauna up there. But we did find what we were looking for - the cushions for the garden benches. 

We had to check them out :-) And soon the sun was over the yardarm, and it being Friday, a bottle of something cold and fizzy was opened. This is the view from the terrace around 6 pm. Interesting clouds. If I'd been quicker I'd have got a shot of a  pair of buzzards circling overhead.

Sorry for lack of comments, I will catch up tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend!

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