A New Day

By ANewDay

Dark Sunset

Various plans were scuppered today. I'd intended to do the weekly shop this morning, but had to take Simba to the vet instead.

He's been off his food for the last day or two, but fine otherwise. However, this morning he didn't want to get out of bed and was very lethargic - not his usual self at all. The vet checked him over and discovered his temperature was very high (104.2 when it should be about 101), so he's possibly got an infection of some sort. He had two injections and we've to take him back tomorrow to see if the temperature has come down. Very worrying, as he's never been ill before.

I was meeting a friend in Forfar for lunch and a walk round the loch, but we were warned that the loch had flooded over the footpath for quite a stretch, so that had to be cancelled too. Instead we just sat and nattered for two hours, so no opportunity to take a photo.

Driving home, I noticed the rather dramatic clouds during the sunset, so pulled over for a quick shot through the car windscreen. Sorry it couldn't be a better picture.

We're going to Birnam near Dunkeld this evening for a talk on the Scottish Wildcat, so that should be interesting. Hope you all have a great weekend:)

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