Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Dwarf lilac

This is our dwarf lilac which we inherited when we moved here in 1994. The scent is almost soporific. The flowers are tiny less than half a centimetre across and the grow in trusses like its full sized relative. I pruned it back quite hard a couple of years ago and I can see I'm going to have to do the same again this year or next. It filled in a dry corner really well and provides Eilidh with a hiding place too. See extra.

A big day today as I officially became an old fogey in receipt of my state pension. Just two years and 11 months later than had I expected to receive it when I retired almost 6 years ago. Now, what to do with it?

What a gorgeous day today wall to wall sunshine, the wall thermometer was almost at 30 this afternoon. I did two loads of washing today and each dried in under three hours.

I had a Zoom board meeting first thing, nice to meet our new CEO. Evening prayer, again on Zoom at 5pm then Bridge, yet again via Zoom at 7pm....there is a pattern emerging here I think.

I took part in what is likely to be the last clap for carers /the NHS this evening, nice to see so many of the neighbours out. On a main road it's difficult to get to know each other so this has been a real benefit. I'll keep clapping for both of my girls though as they continue working so hard through all of this. I'll keep praying that they stay safe and well too.

A dropped in her washing and had a safely distanced coffee with us in the garden this morning and K is coming tomorrow. How nice to be able to sit down and talk to them both while keeping very safely apart. We're not going to see the wee girls yet as they would find it very hard to keep apart... As would we.

Keep safe everybody, slowly and carefully does it and we'll ease our way forwards.

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