
The day started well before the Sparrows as The Bossess was doing her first air travel business thing is since shutdown which needed a 4.45 AM start. The Boss drove her to the Airport and was surprised to find that you didn't get in without a boarding pass on your phone and there were police there to prove it so she had to lug her 22Kg suitcase herself. There was a great U3A Zoom meeting today featuring our NZ Race Relations bloke Meng Foon who gave a great presentation. He was a really interesting bloke  https://thespinoff.co.nz/politics/12-07-2019/who-is-meng-foon-introducing-the-new-race-relations-commissioner/
Who told us that many Chinese folk had volunteered to fight for NZ in the 2nd World war but were initially refused as they weren’t NZ citizens but later accepted but it was still some time before NZ Citizenship even became available to Chinese immigrants, Thank goodness times have  changed. His theme was basically that race didn't matter but deeds did. 
Dogs know this already.....
Todays extra is simply indescribable and NO he didn’t BUT...........

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