
By Farmerboab

Boris Beware.....

Another day of this and that.
Cattle to feed then a trip next door for another trailer load of silage. Hopefully, if things go to plan, should get the rest of the cows and calves out this week.
An afternoon spent with Littlemiss and dogs fixing fences in a wee 6 acre field near the road end. Then hauled out a cow and calf plus the 3 big dairy bred bullocks . Hopefully they will stay put as they are that tall and leggy they could just about walk over the fence !
Went for a walk tonight with the dogs, Littlemiss and Mrs F. As usual Junior had better things to do !
Spotted this sign on the quarry fence. Thought it quite fitting after today’s diabolical press conference as Boris and all his lying, 2 faced cronies can’t be far off plummeting over the abyss ( Hopefully) Have they never heard the saying “When you are in a hole - stop digging “ ?

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