scooter dudes

Ending the day with a scooter ride with Zeke was utter perfection!

Sabbath was good but I think we’ll have to get into the rhythm of it as we practice. I totally forgot I wasn’t supposed to be looking at my phone at 5am when I was lying awake and surfed the internet merrily for an hour - oops! We had homemade pizzas last night and half a film (this delighted Zeke on his half birthday) which we finished today. Church and brunch and naps and books were all very welcome.

I switched back on to the internet in time to see a disastrous daily press conference. I felt like taking notes to be used if ever I feel like writing a dystopian novel. And then scooting.... it’s impossible to feel cross on a scooter. I declare it to be better than therapy!

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