
The bluebells looked lovely at Watergrove this afternoon, as they have been in many parts of the North of England for a months or so.

Today's first listen was the 1994 album by "Therapy?" (sic) - Troublegum - on which my favourite song was Stop It You're Killing Me.

French painter Robert Delaunay and his wife Sonia were accorded the honour of their own artistic movement  when poet Guillaume Apollinaire coined the term "Orphism" about their work, describing it as following Orpheus the poet and musician of Greek mythology.  Their work developed increasingly abstract styles of painting, based on blocks and discs of colour.

Robert Delaunay's La Ville de Paris is a striking semi-abstract work showing the Three Graces against a fragmented background, with the Eiffel Tower as a modern element. Sonia Delaunay's Prismes électriques is more abstract but has a similar sense of movement and energy from the assembled blocks of colour.

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