Saturday: Yourself

I have been fairly pragmatic ever since we went into this new way of being but today was the first day I woke up feeling decidedly ‘meh’.  I’m not sure what it was about today but I guess it comes upon is at different times and in different ways.  I think it’s just the sameness of everyday when we are used to exploring and travelling.  

We took Barney to the vet this morning for a second opinion on his teeth.  His enamel on his two canines is disintegrating and he needs to have them extracted. The vet who did his initial diagnosis was not our normal vet and so we wanted his regular vet to have a look, particularly as he doesn’t seem to be in any pain. She has confirmed that there is an issue and he probably should have them taken out, but in slower time as he doesn’t seem to be uncomfortable.  

It was lovely on how much she commented on what a good boy Barney was.

Ran a few more errands and while out and about saw this mural.

K. has cut my hair and has done a really great job!

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