It's Raining in the Sooth Perish

What, in this weather? You have to be joking.  It feels like we are moving into, and not out of, clapshot season.  I bet it’s draughty on Tiree.  I have to admit short breeks was a mistake in the current maelstrom.  Therefore this was taken when I was legs akimbo in my chair from inside the porch.  It’s that kind of day.  I ventured into the tunnel for a while.  I realise, with a teaspoon it’s going to take me some time.  The Current Mrs Creel has recently deployed some extremely sensitive listening devices.

Contacted our Stenness buddo for an update on the parish doings.  It was a peedie bit nonplussing when, half–blether point he said ‘Whit virus?’.  I eventually passed the phone to CMC and she reported he enigmatically ended by saying ‘Buey, it chust shews thee, dirty wark niver peys, now I’ll pit hid doon’.  And he was gone.

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