Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

The wind blew

Managed to sleep better last night and then woke this morning to wild weather - heavy rain with strong winds. Things calmed down a little, so at 10.30 I went out for a walk, I walked for about 40 minutes and managed neither to blow away nor get wet. Within half an hour of my return the wind had risen again and it continued to stay high interspersed with heavy downpours for most of the day so I clearly had picked my moment well. My blip is off the silver birches in our neighbours garden. They are always good value in high winds although our part yes looks pretty windswept too.
Did a few sewing repairs this morning and then cooried down and read my Jane Casey book off and on, on my Kindle, for most of the day. She's a crime writer I've been enjoying recently.
We decided on a paella for dinner tonight so I'm cooking that, then it's an evening in front of the TV for us and hopefully waking to a nicer day tomorrow.
Keep safe and well everybody. The numbers are going down let's keep it that way.

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