Happy 6th Birthday CyclopsJnr

A big day!

Lots of presents including a new tablet, 2 space lego sets, a lego dragon, a box of magic tricks, a Lego Ninja costume, DVDs, Meccano, games, a jigsaw, books, sweeties...  He's thoroughly delighted.

He also spoke to his grandparents online, and got video messages from lots of his friends, his uncles, his class teacher, his rugby coach and his swimming teacher.  He was pretty excited about that too.  Oh, and we even saw some of our friends in their car as they dropped off a present (all at a safe distance of course).

At his request, we went on a family bike ride (just 4 miles today), had a picnic lunch in the garden, played pass the parcel and had home-made pizza for dinner.

He seems to have gone to bed tired, happy and full of sugar - which is probably the best we could hope for under the current circumstances!

 - His very own Meccano
 - New Lego Ninja's costume
 - Intent on building Lego

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