Last day of fitness January 2013..
Tonight it just myself and Tit's McGee as Wiggy the blob is working late.
So today I thought I shall have a nice quiet day and relax as I have a terrible terrible headache.Eve was in no way fit enough to go to London to the theatre,her temperature was sky high poor lamb.
All good news about Pepé he is having another good day today.... so I took Lucy to school and then came home did some housework and then thought I know,I shall walk Buffy and Sadie down at the canal as there is very little mud,the sun is warm and it's a lovely view..... so off we go,Sadie all skittish and happy... we meandered and I took many many photo's ....... then on my way back I met an old acquaintance and we discussed our many ailments and what pain killers we were on and had a really good maudlin chat about death and other things,it was great.... then we watched as Sadie fell in the canal.... I took photos and let SH pull her out.I specifically walked down there as the path is wide and dry and the dogs stay clean.... WHY CAN WE NOT HAVE ONE WALK WHERE THEY JUST TROT ALONG AND JUST SNIFF STUFF ??? WHY... WHY ... WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ..... ?????? hear my tone.
Came home with a worse head,popped back out to the deli to get Eve and I some cooked ham and turkey slices and a cake each,for medicinal purposes then we both went to sleep.
Dentists after Lucy came home,we all have decent teeth still.......
Now just getting ready for the walk... I am so sorry I have been lax replying,I feel really ill with this bad head.
p.s Blip is of my girlie Buffy watching that stupid puppy Sadie prancing about the edge of the canal.
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