On the last day of January....
it is considered good luck to put your hand in POO :D look how utterly delighted Sue and DDLC (Paula is her real life name) are... look,it's like they have been given a gift.. Moonie (Ashleigh) is more sympathetic and even gave Roy a wet wipe...I however continued to click away.....
What I hear you all ask,What are they actually doing.. well,it is OBVIOUS .. they have crawled into the weavey shelter to get in from the wind.
We are at Charlecote park and we all managed to traipse over the field at take photo's of the resident deer... plural ... there was more than one... there are 71.I counted.(I am lying,but there are loads).
Although it was freezing.. literally.. it was great fun,all like we knew each other from before,I had a cream tea.... the others ate stuff,but as it is nothing to do with me I took no interest ;) shallow.as.a.puddle.
We were a little upset the gift shop is not open at this time of year... we were tempted to break and enter xxxxx
Sue's photo of the day....
Roys photo xxxx
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