By lizzie_birkett

Hand Over The Choccy!

Well, he deserves some, he's been working hard again. Fixing this and that, cleaning and painting down the 'gas hole'. I don't know the correct terminology I just call it what it looks like to me! A hole where the gas cylinders are kept.

I, however - I'm embarrassed to say - have done very little. I tidied the boat, which takes all of 15 minutes, made salad for lunch, read for a bit and fell asleep on the couch. 
While Frank made a curry I took Bella May walkies
I thought it might energise me but it didn't.
I've felt tired all day and just gave into it. The weather doesn't help - cold and really windy. I was going to weed our boat neighbour's overgrown garden as they are stuck in Norway due to lockdown. I'm sure they're quite happy as it gives them extra time with their grandchildren. I'll do the weeding tomorrow.

After curry, an orange and a beer I feel a bit better. Now time for a shower, jim jams and some choccy for me!

Stay safe everyone ;-)

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