Allium starts to bloom

A bright sunny day with cloudy spells

A good time in the morning with our Zoom Coffee 'n Chat, when once again we had my Pastor friend from Uganda join us. Sometimes, I just need to step back and think about that - it is hard to realise how much we take for granted as far as technology is concerned. It certainly makes it a much smaller world.

I am really enjoying seeing all the different flowers coming out at the moment. I particularly enjoy taking macro shots of them when they are only halfway towards full bloom. This is the case with the Allium Sphaerocephalon - well, that's my guess at which variety it is, having looked at the incredible variety on Google Images.

After lunch, I had a long discussion with my friend about Laptops and phones, because both his are needing replaced. It made me realise that at least I have kept up to date with technology compared to him (and he is 10 years younger than me). It makes a change, because compared to my grandson, I feel like a Dinosaur in these matters :-)

I have several household things I need to do which means calls to 'help lines' - which really means long waits for someone to answer beacause of Covid_19. Usually I can do these things online, but because of little anomalies, I need help groooaaan. However, having talked to my Ugandan friend and heard about life there, I can cope with these little frustrations.

I trust that you are surviving and not feeling too much 'cabin fever'.

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