Plus ça change...

By SooB


The evening weather, rather than my mood. Heaviest rain I’ve seen for ages tonight - and we’ve not been short of it. After tomorrow’s rain we are forecast a dry spell. All this means is that in the space of 24 hours it will go from being too wet to garden, to too hot to garden. But I think that watermelon would appreciate a bit of sun.

The morning was dry enough for the gardener to come and hack down the massive amount of grass that had grown in the past two weeks of sunshine and downpours. And the hen enclosure was scalped too - as they are not doing the job of keeping the weeds cleared themselves.

Our little community is getting an exciting new reed bed waste management system (our sort of septic tank is non-compliant and a bit overwhelmed with volume!) so I wandered down to have a look at the enormous hole they’ve dug. Very neatly done it is too! I might ask them to just pop in and dig the second pond I’ve promised myself.

Other than that: work, salad, work, duck and chips, West Wing. And so the days roll by.

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