cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"I'm reaching for my goal"

S.T.A.R - This was the parting advice that Laura from bureau gave me a few days before she left us to return home for a new job! I loved it so much that it went on a post-it note and it's now on my desk cover thing to remind me how to tackle all that life throws at you! It sits alongside photos of birds of prey to remind me about my project and ultimate goal, photos of family and friends to remind me to smile and quirky quotes of inspiration!

Finally started the big dissertation re-write and after nearly 2 hours I have 11 lines of a revamped abstract! Re-writing your own work is more difficult than it sounds when you know you had it right the first time!

2 days until I see Jayney now and it was great to hear that the Cronins will be joining us for food and banter on Saturday evening! Can't wait to see them!!! :)

# Reaching for my goals - Brian McKnight #

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