The Big Kitten

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I'm still working my way through a pile of problems, but today I was in a better mood about it. 

There isn't much else to tell you about today. Caro is starting to reactivate her plans for the house. We have a garden landscaper and a fence person coming to check out the back soon, with the aim of creating a kitty-haven out the back.

And here you can see Jasper curled up with his favourite toy, the Slaver-Duck. This thing is absolutely disgusting from being kicked, licked, drooled on and thrown around. Both the lads LOVE it. 

Oh, and I watched an episode of "Give Us A Clue" on YouTube. I was very amused to note that Geoffrey Hayes turned up still wearing red dungarees and yellow socks. I wonder if he insisted on dressing that way all the time? Even when he was at the pub, or at the pictures or on his wedding night?

Also, this.


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