Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


This morning when Jerry walked the dog he noticed the moonflower blooming and sent me a photo on the phone.    When I arrived home at 7:30 pm I saw a moonflower bloom as we pulled into the driveway.   After my cousins left to go home I walked out to look at the flower thinking it was a second bloom that opened.    Wrong, this is the flower from the bud that I posted a few days ago.   It has stayed open all day today!    You can see how the edges are a little brown and it is not looking perfect but it was still open!!     This has never happened before!   Usually by 10am the day after the bloom occurs it is all shriveled and folding in on itself.   

Maybe it was waiting for me to see it before it died!    

We had a great time relaxing and walking in the mountains.  Today we mostly hung out at the house except for a short walk.  Then we drove a different way home which probably took longer but was more scenic than driving on the interstate highway.    We stopped in Clayton, Georgia for a late lunch and actually found a small diner open for business where we could eat inside and  be served a meal.    We were the only people there at 3:30 except for the owner and the three other people who were staffing...the cook and two waitresses/takeout person.    They did take some food out to people waiting in the parking area while we were there but no one else came in.  They had only a few tables open for seating.       What a treat it was to dine in, be waited on and not have to clean up the dishes!   We tipped the waitress really well!   

I have two cameras downloaded to the laptop so there might be a couple of collages from my mountain photos happening.  I am a rule breaker!! The area was so gorgeous and I do want to share more than what I saw.

Today I did see something that I had only heard of and had never thought I would see!   This morning after breakfast we took a walk and as we were coming back we heard a helicopter flying where we thought it might be over the river which was a mile below us.    When we got to the house it was hovering over the mountain in our view from the deck and was actually a power company helicopter trimming the right of way for the power line!  From a helicopter!!   It was really something to see how he worked the long "saw" thing without hitting the power line itself!!    Yikes! What skill this person had to operate that saw while flying!!     I put a collage of this in the extras.  

It was a really good time away from home in an area that I had not visited in a long, long time.   I have already been talking to the hubby about a trip up to the river there to fish!!    It might be happening as I found a campground where we could take our camper!     We will see what happens in the future with this idea!  

Work day tomorrow but I hope to get around to looking at some journals tomorrow afternoon!

Be well, blippers!!

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