
Took several shots of bees today and it was hard to make a decision which one to blip. This bee was extremely active, burying its head right inside every flower and looked like he was having a great meal. It became absolutely smothered in pollen after a few minutes. The extra looks a little ghostly, I think it is beacuse a flower blew in front of it as I was taking the shot!
I may not have time to look at your blips today or tomorrow as we have a 'virtual' dinner tonight with some friends and tomorrow evening  am having a Zoom meeting with friends that I met when I first started nursing 51 years ago..... This year is all of our big birthdays, and we were going to have a reunion in London but obcviously that is off. It will be the first Zoom meeting that I have hosted, but I have been a guest at several now. It is so amazing how we are all getting so used to technology that a few months ago we hadn't even heard of!!
I'll catch up over the weekend. Keep well everyone :-)

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